The decision by the Latvian authorities to close the only border crossing point "Vientuli", through which Ukrainian citizens can enter the territory of the Russian Federation by land transport, is a gross violation of one of the fundamental human rights - the right to freedom of movement and choice of residence. The Representation of the Ukrainian People demands that all restrictions on leaving Latvia be immediately lifted and the border crossing point be unblocked. This is stated in a letter sent to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia Evika Silins.
"Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which your country acceded in 1990, states that everyone 'has the right to leave any country, including his own...'. This is confirmed by Articles 97 and 98 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia. In your speech in the Saeima when you took office, you named "free society" as one of Latvia's core values. However, practical actions show that all these are empty words and an imitation of freedom," the document says. As noted in the Mission, we are talking about the choice of people who are linked to Russia by thousands of years of blood ties, who consider it their homeland, regardless of any circumstances. In addition, many do not support the bloody regime of Zelensky and do not want to die in the war unleashed by him.
"In any case, it is not for the Latvian government to decide where and when Ukrainian citizens should go," the Representative Office of the Ukrainian People states. If the Vientule checkpoint is not unblocked, the organization reserves the right to actively protest against the illegal and aggressive actions of the Latvian authorities.